  • PPN is designed to accommodate the full and diverse range of volunteer led organisations in the county.  Membership is open to groups which
    • Are active and with a postal address in the county / city.
    • Operate on a not-for profit basis
    • Are volunteer led (organisations may have paid staff, but must be under voluntary control)
    • Are independent i.e. not a sub-committee or subgroup of another organisation
    • Have at least 5 members and are open to new members
    • Have an appropriate governance structure e.g. set of rules / financial procedures
    • Meet regularly
    • Are in existence for at least six months
    • Are non-party political

Groups must register in the same Municipal District as their main postal address. They must also register on one of three Pillars, which are explained below.

Social Inclusion Pillar – Eligibility Guidelines
  1. Primary objectives and activities must focus on poverty reduction, community development, equality and social justice issues.
  2. The organisation must have activities in line with social inclusion and have those who experience poverty and social exclusion on its management/organisational structure.

Suggested examples of eligible local groups for membership of the Social Inclusion Pillar:

  • Groups supporting engagement and participation

in inclusive activity, sports, arts, men’s sheds etc…

  • Mental Health/Suicide Prevention groups
  • Drug and alcohol support / information groups.
  • Advocacy and information groups
  • Rural and urban isolation and disadvantage groups
  • Other interest groups eg. Migrants, Travellers, Disability, LGBT etc.


Environment Pillar – Eligibility Guidelines
  1. The main objective and activities of the organisation must be Environmental (ie. ecological protection and/or environmental sustainability.
  2. Single issue groups are not eligible for membership
  3. Must be in existence for at least 12 months prior to joining PPN.
  4. Must be a legally discrete body, and not managing a project with a limited life span.
  5. Must have accounts from at least one of the previous two years.
  6. Must be able to demonstrate a level of activity in promoting its aims over at least 12 months prior to joining PPN.


Suggested examples of acceptable environmental areas for groups eligible to join the Environment Pillar:

  • Permanent protection of wildlife
  • Organic horticulture or education
  • Environmental education or protection
  • Environmental sustainability / Resource efficiency and recycling
  • Invasive alien species prevention/removal


Please note that applications to join the Meath PPN Environment Pillar must be validated by the National Environmental Pillar before they can be accepted.


Community & Voluntary Pillar – Eligibility Guidelines
  1. The primary objectives and activities must focus on community responses to local identified issues / concerns.
  2. Must have activities that promote overall community well being.

Suggested list of eligible groups for membership of the Community & Voluntary Pillar.

  • Residents groups
  • Tidy Towns Groups
  • Self-help groups
  • Community Councils
  • Youth Groups
  • Community Associations
  • Sporting/ Leisure Clubs/Groups
  • Voluntary campaign groups
  • Arts Groups
  • Active retirement groups
  • Festival Groups
  • Playground associations
  • Groups whose activities promote goodness or improvement to human quality of life and community well-being.