With areas of Meath still without power and water in the aftermath of Storm Éowyn, Meath County Council has set up a number of Community Hubs to assist those in difficulty.

These hubs will assist people with basic needs such as water, hot food, phone charging, broadband access, shower and clothes washing facilities etc.

If you need assistance, please contact Meath County Council Customer Service between 8am and 8pm on 046 909 700.

Alternatively, you can email customerservice@meathcoco.ie.

Further updates will be available on the Meath County Council social media channels: https://www.facebook.com/MeathCountyCouncil 

& website : https://www.meath.ie/notices/updated-3101-community-response-providing-assistance-to-worst-affected-areas-of-county-after-storm 

***February Bank Holiday Weekend: Hubs maintaining supports are flagged RED on the map***


Click on the “play” icon to open the map.


A national map of the Emergency Response Hubs has been developed and can be accessed at: https://arcg.is/1mX5W0


Impacts of Storm Éowyn


Electricity Network

  • ESB Networks is highlighting the dangers posed by fallen live wires and is advising the public and the emergency services to stay away from these fallen cables and to report such cases to it immediately.
  • If you are registered with your electricity supplier as a medically vulnerable customer, dependent on medical devices powered by electricity please visit here


Uisce Eireann

  • For urgent water supply queries please call 1800 278 278.



Humanitarian Assistance Scheme

  • The Humanitarian Assistance Scheme provides income tested financial assistance to households affected by a severe weather event. It is administered by the Community Welfare Service.
  • The scheme aims to lighten the hardship rather than provide full compensation for damage