Open consultation campaigns:



  • Climate Conversations: national consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. People and communities across Ireland invited to have their say on a transition to a low-carbon future.  To take part and have your say, individuals and communities can visit the Climate Conversations portal





  • North Irish Sea Array Windfarm: update & information. Details here


  • EirGrid: East Meath North Dublin Grid Upgrade – update is here


  • Kells Public Realm & Regeneration Plan:  Details here


  • N2 Slane Bypass and Public Realm Enhancement Scheme. Details here


  • Regional Water Resources Plan – Public consultation details are here


  • Eirgrid East Meath North Dublin Grid Upgrade: Information on the project & consultation process available here


  • Think Housing Build Accessible: National campaign details here


  • National Well-being Framework: details available  here


  • Irish Water consultation on national resources plan available here


  • Well-being Framework for Ireland: CSO resources on the project are available  here


  • Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade: Details on the  Eirgrid project are available here


  • East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade. Updates on the Eirgrid project are available here


  • An update from Bord na Móna on the proposed Ballivor Wind Farm is available here


  • N3 Virginia Bypass . Project details here



Reports from previous consultations:

Waste Survey 2017

Press Release Waste 07.17

Johnstown Survey Report 2017