Update from FASN

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Update from the Family Addiction Support Network – 18th June 2020


Family Addiction Support Network shut down it’s services at Lios Dubh 12th March in line with the COVID19 Government Guidelines but more than ever families needed support.  As a result, FASN developed online services for family members impacted by a loved one’s substance misuse using a fully GDPR compliant communications platform as best practice.


What we are experiencing from supporting Family Members is the increased worry and psychological stress, strain on family relationships, intimidating behaviour by a loved one’s addiction, financial burden of supporting drug user to buy drugs, impact on mental health from stress and worry of lockdown and caring responsibilities, isolation and loss of social life.


Our fundraising activities have all been cancelled due to Government Guidelines leaving us with no core funding and no fundraising activities in which to carry on supporting families and communities impacted by the increase in home drinking, domestic violence, isolation and threats of drug related intimidation amid this pandemic.


Following our Stop the Stigma event on 24th February, Sinead Hussey RTE contacted FASN to conduct an interview to shine a light on the work of volunteers responding to the drugs issue within their community in the North East.

The interview took place at our premises in Lios Dubh, Dundalk on 12th June.


Listen & watch out for FASN – the Family Support Network who will be featured on “This Week” RTE Radio 1 programme at 1pm this Sunday, 21st June and on the 6pm RTE News on the same evening.




Please click on the FASN FB link to read more and share as widely as possible to create the awareness of much needed services for families trying to cope with the chaos of addiction within the home https://www.facebook.com/fasnsupport/


Jackie McKenna

Project Coordinator

Family Addiction Support Network

Phone: 042 9355251  Helpline 087 9046405

Email info.fasn@gmail.com

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