Donations of leftover wool needed: Purls Climate Awareness Project

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MCC Climate Action and Age Friendly teams are collaborating with the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Sciences (iCRAG) on a climate awareness pilot project.

This project creates awareness about climate change through woolcrafts, recreating the climate strips (see below) as blankets, scarves, etc. by local knitting/crochet  groups.

Once these have gone on display and we’ve done some awareness around it we plan to donate the items to dementia and Alzheimer’s groups who have a requirement for brightly coloured knitware.

More details of the project can be found at https://www.icrag-centre.org/education-and-public-engagement/arts/purls/

The wool must have an element of sustainability, so locally produced, made from natural fibres or even left over wools.

Where do you come in? Well, we’d like to create our own climate piece for display so I’m looking for

  • Donations of leftover wool – any colour is acceptable as we can be as creative as we want in our interpretations of the climate data.


To donate, please contact Caroline by email caroline.corrigan@meathcoco.ie

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