N2 Slane Bypass: Publication of Options Selection Report

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Publication of Options Selection Report – N2 Slane Bypass

The Preferred Option Corridor for the N2 Slane Bypass has been identified and is detailed within the Options Selection Report (OSR).

The OSR will be available for viewing or download, free of charge, on the N2 Slane Bypass website (www.n2slanebypass.ie) from Wednesday 27th May 2020.

Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions and the HSE guidelines we are unable to display a copy of the OSR for viewing at Meath County Council offices. Therefore, in addition to publication on the website, the OSR can be purchased for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, after Wednesday 27th of May 2020 from Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291|email Transport@meathcoco.ie | Phone 046 9097000. Please contact the Transportation Office in advance, to order a copy and arrange collection.

For further information on the N2 Slane Bypass please view the project website at the following link: www.n2slanebypass.ie

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