Good News Story: Gormanston Community Association (GCA) special visit to Gormanston Wood Nursing Home

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Gormanston Community Association (GCA) made a special visit to Gormanston Wood Nursing Home on Friday 15th May 2020 at 11.30am to deliver a ‘hug from a distance’ and some goodies to all the residents and staff there.  Peter Brady Chairperson GCA said that it was a great occasion for the Gormanston Community to be able to give some much-needed support during these unprecedented times.

The community wanted to support all the residents in the Beech, Elm, Laurel and Cedar Units and of course all the staff who care for them.  He went on to thank the nurses, the care staff and all the other staff members who are an essential part of running the nursing home.  There was a rousing clapping of hands to show appreciation.

Michele Morgan from the GCA was the prime mover in organising a small group to see what they could do.  She was in contact with Audrey and Emma in Gormanston Wood Nursing Home to finalise arrangements for the event.  The group comprised of Mary Rice, Corinne Fillod, Catherine Geoghegan, Fiona Sloggett, and Patricia Brady.  They used all their skills to deliver beautiful home baking.  There were also very willing sponsors from

Peter thanked Noeleen Sheridan Director of Nursing and the Trinity Care Group for sponsoring in a significant way the Community Garden in 2017.  He said that the GCA hoped to lend more support in the weeks to come and would be open to hearing what particular needs they had that could be addressed.  One of the special categories for potential support are those residents who may not have the comfort of relatives to visit them.

Noeleen Sheridan on behalf of all the staff and residents thanked sincerely the GCA for its generous gifts and was as ever very appreciative of the good neighbours they have in Gormanston.

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