Postponement Notice – PPN Annual Conference 2020

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National PPN Conference 2020 Postponed.

This year’s National PPN Conference was due be held this October in the Arklow Bay Conference & Leisure Hotel, Arklow Co Wicklow.

The Department and the Conference Sub group have been monitoring the situation over the last few weeks in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following recent deliberations in line with continuing public health advice, it has been decided that the best and only course of action that can be taken, is to postpone the Conference until early in the new year.

There are far too many challenges, impracticalities and genuine concerns around to justify pursuing the project this year.

Details of the rescheduled Conference will issue to the various Stakeholder Groups in late 2020/early 2021.

Thank you all for your continued efforts to progress the important work of the Network and wishing you and your families well at this time.

Le meas,

An Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail

Department of Rural and Community Development

About the Author

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