Update on National PPN Insurance Survey

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In 2019, a national survey was carried out of PPN member groups.

Meath groups responded in large numbers to highlight the issues caused by insurance costs.

Below is an update from the Department of Rural & Community Development on progress arising from the survey:

In November 2019, the Minister for Rural and Community Development wrote to the Minister with responsibility for Financial Services and Insurance regarding the rising cost of Public Liability Insurance in the community and voluntary sector and the impact that it is having on the delivery of services and hosting of community events in national and local areas.  The Minister requested that consideration be given to broadening the Terms of Reference of the ‘Cost of Insurance Working Group’ to provide for the examination of the rising costs and the impact it is having on the community and voluntary sector.

The Minister also wrote the Minister for Justice and Equality outlining the issues faced with the rising cost of insurance in the community and voluntary sector and the impact it is having on services in the communities. The Minister advised of the critical importance of the judiciary reaching a conclusion on the “Book of Quantum” in terms of the growing impact on the community and voluntary sector. In both cases, the Minister referenced the results of the PPN survey in relation to national insurance.

The Department of Rural and Community Development has also highlighted this issue as a challenge in the development of the National Volunteering Strategy and is committed to an action to help address the issue.

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