Meath Local Sports Partnership – July updates

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Training & Education Courses

Dates for training and education courses for September – December 2019 including

  • Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness in Child Protection Training,
  • Safeguarding 2 Club Children’s Officer (CCO) Training,
  • Safeguarding 3 Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Training and
  • Sports Injuries First Aid

are now available on http://www.meathsports.ie/events/.

To book please call Meath LSP office on 046-9067337.


Disability Inclusion Training

Meath LSP in association with CARA are hosting a Disability Inclusion Training Course on Saturday 20th July in Navan Rugby Club.

Disability Inclusion Training is an introductory level course designed to give participants ideas and inspiration to adapt their sport or physical activity sessions. It will assist participants to make their sessions more accessible and inclusive for children and adults with a disability. The course is aimed at school principals, teachers, special needs assistants, second and third level students, managers, coaches, volunteers, development officers and parents.

  • When: Saturday 20th July
  • Where: Navan Rugby Club
  • Time: 9am-4pm
  • Cost: €40

To book a place, please call Terry on 046-9067337 or email tdonegan@meathcoco.ie


Inclusive Summer Camp

A three day inclusive multi-sport summer camp will take place in August in Claremont Stadium, Navan. There will be a variety of sports and activities! This camp is suitable for children with a disability aged between 5-12 years.

Siblings are welcome to take part free of charge!

  • When: Tuesday 6th August – Thursday 8th August
  • Where: Claremont Stadium, Navan
  • Time: 10am-1pm
  • Cost: €10

 To book a place, please call Terry on 046-9067337 or email tdonegan@meathcoco.ie


Oldcastle Community Social Cycle

Oldcastle Cycling Club are starting a beginners cycling programme for 16 years + on Tuesday 9th July at 6.30pm, meeting at the health centre car park in Oldcastle.

 Spins will be at a steady pace of 15-20km per hour to suit beginners. Distances will progress weekly! You will need a roadworthy bike and a helmet.

Email oldcastlecc@gmail.com with your name and phone number to book as places are limited.


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