European Minimum Income Bus Tour

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    “Social Welfare for All? A Local and European Perspective on Adequacy and Accessibility”

Dear all,

After launching its anti-poverty campaign at the end of April, the European Minimum Income Bus arrives in Ireland this week! See below a link to the programme, outlining details of the European Minimum Income Bus Tour as it travels around Ireland from May 18th to May 21st.

The bus has been travelling around Europe highlighting the need for accessible and adequate social welfare supports for the poorest in society. The Irish tour will visit Limerick, Longford and Dublin, where volunteers will engage with members of the public, as well as attend seminars in each location.  We are hoping for strong participation from the public as well as members of the community and voluntary sector, to ensure the Irish perspective on welfare supports is represented as the bus tours Europe.

If you wish to participate at one of our stops please find details of the Irish programme Here

You can follow the travels of the bus on its tour Blog and sign the petition Here to show your support for adequate and accessible minimum incomes schemes in Europe.

(Please note:  Seminars are free to attend, however registration is essential for Dublin seminar, please contact enquiries@eapn.ie)

If you have any queries just let me know.

We hope to see you there.

Thank you



100 North King Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7, Ireland, D07 KH97 (c/o NWCI, map here)

Tel: + 353 (0) 1 8745737   /  +353 (0)87 6402200

EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network) Ireland is a network of anti-poverty groups working to put the eradication of poverty at the top of the EU and Irish agenda through information, training, advocacy and networking. Web: www.eapn.ie


EAPN Ireland staff e-mail addresses are:

Paul Ginnell, Director, paul@eapn.ie

Irene Byrne, Policy and Communications Officer, Irene@eapn.ie

Maureen Gondipon, Administration and Finance Officer, maureen.gondipon@eapn.ie


EAPN Ireland is a member of

Leave no one behind!



EAPN Ireland CLG is core funded by the Scheme to Support National Organisations (SSNO) funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development through Pobal.



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