Is there a dumping black spot in your area?

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Dear Member

I attach herewith Circular WP03.18 Circular WP03 18_ADI 2018 in respect of the 2018 Anti Dumping Initiative and under which funding is being provided by the Department of Communications Climate Action and the Environment to support local authorities and community organisations in addressing black spots which are subjected to continuous dumping.

As the Circular states over 200 projects were funded under last year’s scheme 4 of which were projects jointly undertaken by Meath County Council and Local Community Groups .

The Criteria applying to the scheme is attached and if you are aware of any specific location meeting this criteria where dumping has accumulated and where there would be a local Community involvement please submit same for our investigation and possible submission as candidate sites under the scheme.

Larry Whelan, Senior Executive Officer

For information on the criteria – Read More – Anti Dumping Initiative Criteria

For the Application form – Read More – Anti- Dumping Initiative Application Form


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