Music Capital Scheme 2024: Music Network

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Music Capital Scheme 2024 is now open for applications.

The scheme supports funding for the purchase of musical instruments and equipment to individual professional musicians and non-professional groups nationwide.

The three awards which are now available are outlined below;  

  • Music Capital Scheme Award 1 supports the purchase of musical instruments by non-professional performing groups 
  • Music Capital Scheme Award 2 supports the purchase of musical instruments by individual established professional performing musicians 
  • Music Capital Scheme Award 3 supports the purchase of musical instruments by individual emerging professional performing musicians 

This year there is a total of €542,000 in funding available through these three awards. The Scheme is now open for applications and the deadline for applications is 2pm, Tuesday 25 June 2024.  

You can find further details of the scheme on the Music Network website at https://www.musicnetwork.ie/whats-on/music-capital-scheme 

Information sessions:

We will also be providing an extensive range of applicant supports to both organisations and individuals, with a particular focus on supporting first time and previously unsuccessful applicants. These include two Information Sessions on Facebook live, six Zoom seminars on key topics including recording creation, strategic and artistic planning, and application writing skills, along with a limited number of one-to-one consultation sessions with each seminar presenter.

All supports are provided free of charge to applicants and you can find out more about them at https://www.musicnetwork.ie/whats-on/workshops 

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