National consultation on a new National Disability Strategy

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Are you interested in sharing your experience and suggesting what a National Disability Strategy could include to improve the lives of disabled people?

If so, we invite you to join our online thematic focus groups to discuss various issues related to disability.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) are developing a new National Disability Strategy. They have asked the National Disability Authority (NDA) to conduct some elements of the consultation on their behalf.

The overall focus of the consultation is to inform a set of strategic actions that will address common barriers to inclusion and participation for people with disabilities across key areas of society.

The focus groups below are part of a wider consultation process and there will be more information on gov.ie/UNCRPD in the coming weeks. Please check gov.ie/UNCRPD to see how else you can have your say on this Strategy.

Dates and times of online focus groups

If you are interested in attending, please register at the relevant link or links below:

If you are interested in attending, please register at the relevant link or links below:

Tues 28th Nov 10.30am to 12pm Transport

Wed 29th Nov 5pm-6.30pm Cost of Disability

Thurs 30th Nov 2pm-3.30pm Employment & Training

Sat 2nd Dec 11-12.30pm Housing & Independent Living

Tues Dec 5th 7pm-8.30pm Disability Health & Social Care Services and Supports

Wed Dec 6th 2pm-3.30pm Education

Mon Dec 11th 10.30am to 12pm Women & Disability


National Disability Authority

25 Clyde Road


Dublin 4

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