Go Purple Day Friday 28th April!: achieving zero tolerance for domestic abuse

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Go Purple Day is back on Friday 28th April!

Show your support by:

1. Wear purple on Friday 28th April! You can start a conversation about Domestic Violence and talk about what you can do to ensure Zero Tolerance to Domestic Abuse – we all have a role to play!

2. Organise a fundraising event in your workplace or community. Your support helps keep Meath Women’s Refuge & Support Service open 24 hours a day 365 days a year for women and children escaping violence in Co. Meath and we are so grateful for your help. What about a bake sale, coffee morning, no-uniform or dress down Friday? Be creative and get in touch if you need any support or materials at 046-9022393.

3. Donate online at www.dvservicesmeath.ie or https://www.idonate.ie/event/gopurpleday2023-friday28thapril. Any contribution big or small makes a huge difference to our work.

4. Remember to share your images and tag us on social media – we’d love to hear from you! Please like and share our posts to raise awareness.

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