CREATE: news & opportunities – March 2023

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News from Create

Artist in the Community Scheme 2023 – Round One

Deadline: 27 March, 5pm
Web: www.create-ireland.ie/artist-in-the-community-scheme-closing-dates-announced/

The Arts Council’s Artist in the Community (AIC) Scheme, managed by Create, offers awards to enable artists and communities of place and/or interest to work together on projects. The AIC scheme is open to artists from any of the following artform disciplines: architecture, circus, street art and spectacle, dance, film, literature (Irish and English language), music, opera, theatre, visual arts and traditional arts. Full details of the awards, and how to apply, is available at the awards page.


Summer School on Collaborative Practice and Social Change 2023

Deadline: 5 April, 5pm
Web: www.create-ireland.ie/projectsubpage/summer-school-on-collaborative-practice-and-social-change-2023/

Create and Counterpoints Arts are pleased to announce the 2023 Summer School on Collaborative Practice and Social Change for up to 14 artists.

In a world increasingly shaped by displacement and uncertainty, the Summer School on Collaborative Practice and Social Change is framed by global and trans-local frameworks. It is influenced by the diverse practices and experiences of participating artists and the mentoring and organisational frameworks of visiting international facilitators.

The 2023 edition of the School will specifically focus on the potential for collaboration between artists and investigative journalists, with the aim of integrating the place-based skills of socially engaged arts practice with the forensic, storytelling skills of journalism and digital activism.


Create & Fire Station Artists’ Studios Residency Award 2023

Deadline: 17 April, 5pm
Web: www.create-ireland.ie/open-call-create-fire-station-artists-studios-residency-award-2023/

The Create and FSAS Artist Residency 2023 offers a focused professional development opportunity that supports and nurtures the arts practice of a professional artist who is interested in developing or consolidating their collaborative/ socially engaged arts practice.

Create and Fire Station Artists’ Studios invite expressions of interest from collaborative socially engaged artists who are from a minority ethnic background, have first-hand experience of displacement and/or are shaped by histories of intergenerational migration.  For this residency, candidates may self-identify as Traveller, Roma, refugee, migrant or otherwise through lived experience and/or second generational memories. The Residency will run during the month of June, offering opportunities for development of practice, discussion, networking, and learning.


AIC Scheme Mentoring Award

Deadline: 8 May, 5pm
Web: www.create-ireland.ie/projectsubpage/aic-mentoring-award/aic-scheme-mentoring-award/

Create invites expressions of interest from collaborative socially engaged artists, or artists interested in/transitioning into collaborative socially engaged arts, who wish to avail of a focused period of mentorship to develop and consolidate their practice.

The Mentoring Award sits within a suite of offerings under the Artist in the Community (AIC) Scheme. It aims to offer capacity building and arts practice development for collaborative socially engaged artists. Through the Mentoring Award, artists from the Artist Mentor Panel will be available as mentors to emerging practitioners, artists with a strong interested in/transitioning into collaborative socially engaged arts, artists who find themselves on the margins and feel they are underrepresented in the field of collaborative socially engaged arts, for example due to displacement or migration, and artists facing particular challenges in developing their collaborative socially engaged arts practice. There will be five artist mentors and five artist mentees.

Read more about this award here.


Welcoming our new Research and Learning Manager, Jennifer Fitzgibbon

Web: www.create-ireland.ie/research-and-learning-manager-jennifer-fitzgibbon/

Create is delighted to welcome Jennifer Fitzgibbon to the team as Research and Learning Manager, following a competitive recruitment process.

Jennifer will develop Create’s dedicated Reading Room so that it serves as a dynamic hub for learning and exchange between artists and community and civil society partners. As part of this, Jennifer will establish the Living Archive of Collaborative Arts, tracking developments in the field over the forty years of Create’s existence. She will work with the wider Create team to design professional development workshops and research and learning strategies in order to further facilitate cross-sectoral learning both nationally and internationally about collaborative and socially engaged art.


Seeking families in Dublin to collaborate on a film with artist Jijo Sebastian

Email: jijospalatty@hotmail.com

Do you live in the Dublin City Council area? Are you interested in working with other residents to co-create a film together? This year-long project aims to bring together a multicultural group of families from Dublin City, for a collaborative film project with artist and film-maker Jijo Sebastian. As part of this process, connections will be made, bonds built, and differences explored.

No previous film-making experience is necessary to take part – participants might take part as writers, actors, production technicians/assistants, etc. The group will work together creating a story, developing a script, taking acting workshops, casting, rehearsing and more. Collaborators will play an active role in every stage of the production process. There will also be other activities and days out such as gallery visits, film viewings, nights out, picnics, dinner and coffee evenings, for those taking part.

If you want to take part or find out more, email jijospalatty@hotmail.com before 5 April. Looking forward to hearing from you!

This is a collaborative commission awarded to Jijo Sebastian, co-commissioned by Create, the national development agency for collaborative arts and Hugh Lane Gallery, with the support of Arts Council Ireland and Dublin City Council.




Various Roles, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, NI

Deadline: 16 March, 12 noon
Web: http://artscouncil-ni.org

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is looking for various roles:

Arts Development Officer, Job Share (Festivals, Venues & International)
Job Share Description

Assistant Arts Development Officer
Job Description


Director, Void, NI

Deadline: 20 March, 5pm
Web: www.derryvoid.com
Email: hello@derryvoid.com

Void is one of the leading art institutions in Northern Ireland and Derry.  They are hiring for the position of Director.

More information can be found from above weblink.


Director & CEO, The Lir

Deadline: 22 March, 12pm
Web: https://candidates.perrettlaver.com

The Lir, National Academy of Dramatic Art at Trinity College Dublin is a centre of excellence, a hub for germinating talent and a training ground for brilliance. The Board of Directors is looking for an inspirational, creative and inclusive leader with a track record of strategic leadership, and the ability to work collaboratively with, to motivate, staff and students.

Visit above weblink for more details.


Arts Services Coordinator, Creative Places Baltinglass, Wicklow County Council

Deadline: 23 March, 12 noon
Web: www.wicklow.ie

Wicklow County Council is recruiting an Arts Service Coordinator to work directly on their ‘Creative Places Baltinglass’ project. ‘Creative Places’ will promote inclusive opportunities to celebrate Baltinglass people and place.  The programme development will ensure that at its core will be a mechanism of listening and responding to the community and artists.

It will celebrate the natural heritage and beauty of the town and support social regeneration alongside wider infrastructural regeneration plans.A wide range of arts and creative experiences underpinned by the principles of socially engaged arts practice and community development will be delivered over a three year period.

Information Booklet


Publications Officer, Children’s Books Ireland

Deadline: 24 March, 4pm
Web: https://childrensbooksireland.ie

Children’s Books Ireland is seeking a Publications Officer (full-time), to support the creation of Children’s Books Ireland’s numerous publications.

More information is available from the weblink above.


Visitor Services Manager, RHA Gallery

Deadline: 24 March, midnight
Web: https://rhagallery.ie
Email: susan@rhagallery.ie

The Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts (RHA Gallery) seeks a full-time Visitor Services Manager.

Visit the weblink above for more information.


Open House Dublin Events Officer, Irish Architecture Foundation

Deadline: 26 March
Web: https://architecturefoundation.ie
Email: production@architecturefoundation.ie

The Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) is recruiting an Events Officer for Open House Dublin 2023 and to support the IAF’s role in Open House Europe.

Job Description


Awards & Calls: 


Arts Council Funding

Category: Awards
Web: www.artscouncil.ie

Project Awards | Deadline: 23 March, 5:30pm
These awards support projects across different art forms:

  • Architecture
  • Circus
  • Dance
  • Film
  • Street Arts and Spectacle
  • Theatre
  • Traditional Arts
  • Visual Arts


Creative Places Award | Deadline: 30 March, 5:30pm
The Arts Council will be seeking proposals with an asset driven approach focusing on what a place has, that can be built upon and developed rather than what it lacks. The approach will be inclusive and diverse and rooted in socially engaged practice and community development principles. It will build on existing cultural strengths and be led by community participation and ideas and supported by artists.

International Residency Initiatives Scheme | Deadline: 6 April, 5:30pm
The purpose of the scheme is to support art organisations in the delivery of residency initiatives and to create opportunities for transnational exchange and cooperation across all art forms.

The award guidelines can be downloaded from the available funding section of the Arts Council’s website.


Visual Arts Studio Awards 2023, Cavan County Council Arts Office and Townhall Cavan

Category: Awards
Deadline: 23 March
Web: www.cavanarts.ie

Cavan County Council Arts Office and Townhall Cavan are delighted to announce two Cavan Visual Arts Studio Awards in 2023. The Cavan Visual Arts Studio Awards are aimed at supporting professional visual artists whose work explores questions and ideas that are of compelling interest to our life and times.

Click here for more information.


Various Awards, Age & Opportunity

Category: Awards
Deadline: 24 March, 5pm
Web: https://bealtaine.ie
Email: arts@ageandopportunity.ie

Age & Opportunity’s Arts programme invites applications for three awards intended to support the development of older artists in Ireland and to increase the knowledge around the arts and ageing in general.

Creative Ageing Writing Bursary 2023
The Creative Ageing Writing Bursary aims to generate discussion, debate and knowledge about the growing arts and ageing sector in Ireland.

Professional Development Artist Award 2023
The Professional Development Artist Award supports the development needs of older artists. Through this award, older artists are encouraged to seek out further learning, training, research, or other activities that benefit their career and practice.

Emerging Artist Award 2023
The Emerging Artist Bursary to encourage those at an early stage in their career. There can be many barriers preventing people to take up artistic practice at a younger age, and Age & Opportunity recognises that there is no age limit on ‘emerging’.


Artists Development Programme 2023, European Investment Bank Institute and Cité internationale des arts, France

Category: Residencies
Deadline: 31 March, midnight (GMT+1)
Web: https://institute.eib.org

The European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute is pleased to announce the 2023 edition of its Artists Development Programme (ADP) in collaboration with Cité internationale des arts (Paris), on the theme “Disruption: The Imprint of Man”.

“Disruption: The Imprint of Man” aims to offer a unique vantage point on the Anthropocene. Building on the past residency theme “Anthropocene — The Imprint of Man” (2014-2017), “Disruption” broadens the focus beyond the environment to include topical social issues in the European Union: the decline of solidarity and respect as values, generational clashes, and the meaning of intra and international relations. Artists are invited to meditate on human behaviour and its consequences. “Disruption” is therefore understood not only in its physical sense, but also as a social, cultural and behavioural phenomenon.

More information can be found from the weblink above.


Traveller Wellbeing through Creativity, Creative Ireland

Category: Open Calls
Deadline: 31 March
Web: https://creativeireland.submit.com

The Traveller Wellbeing through Creativity initiative is a call to relevant groups and organisations to deliver an innovative project in 2023 focused on enhancing Traveller wellbeing through the medium of creativity.

Proposals are invited from Traveller organisations with experience of working with health/wellbeing and/or creative arts, and from other interested and experienced creative and cultural organisations and/or individuals. Traveller organisations applying for the Shared Island grant must be based in Northern Ireland or the UK or be working as a partnership between Traveller organisations based in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland or the UK.



Digital Residencies 2023, Centre for Contemporary Art Derry~Londonderry, NI

Category: Residencies
Deadline: 3 April, midnight
Web: www.ccadld.org
Email: cecelia@ccadld.org

The Centre for Contemporary Art Derry~Londonderry (CCA) is holding an open call for one of two digital residencies being held in 2023.

The content of the residency does not have to fit into one category or medium; they are interested in hearing about proposals for live online events, performances, digital installations, film, resource sharing and more. They are seeking applications from artists based in or from Northern Ireland and beyond.

Visit the weblink above for full details.


Ireland in Germany 2024, Culture Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs

Category: Open Calls
Deadline: 14 April, 5pm
Web: www.cultureireland.ie
Email: irelandingermany@cultureireland.gov.ie

Culture Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs are seeking expressions of interest from artists, ensembles and cultural organisations to participate in an Irish season in Germany in 2024. This initiative aims to showcase, across Germany, the richness of talent in contemporary Irish arts and culture.

Ireland in Germany 2024 is a joint partnership between Culture Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of deepening Ireland’s cultural relations with Germany as a key partner in Europe. In line with the objectives of Global Ireland 2025, Ireland is committed to strengthening our global cultural presence and impact, and places a strategic priority on arts and creativity as a key outward expression of our identity.




AIC Mentoring Award Information Session with Aisling Byrne

Date: 5 April
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Online
Web: www.create-ireland.ie/activity/aic-mentoring-award-information-session-with-aisling-byrne/
Admission: Free
To book: www.eventbrite.ie/e/aic-mentoring-award-information-session-with-aisling-byrne

Create is pleased to announce an online information session on applying to the AIC Mentoring Award with Aisling Byrne, Artist Mentor Panel member, held on the 5th April.

The information session is about answering any questions you might have about making an application to the AIC Mentoring Award. Mentor Aisling Byrne will speak about their own practice and journey as a collaborative socially engaged artists and explore some of the principles of collaborative socially engaged arts practice. The session will be followed with a Q&A.




ARC-LAB Curatorial Scholarship 2023, The LAB Gallery and Institute of Art, Design + Technology

Deadline: 16 March, 4pm
Web: https://iadt.ie

The LAB Gallery at Dublin City Arts Office and Institute of Art, Design + Technology (IADT) are partnering to offer a unique ARC-LAB Gallery Curatorial Scholarship in the context of curatorial education at postgraduate level.

The ARC-LAB Scholar will work with the Curator of the LAB Gallery on programming and research into curatorial strategies and develop a self-initiated curatorial project at the LAB Gallery.

Information for Applicants

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