Public Consultation: Part 8 proposal for a pedestrian and cycle scheme in Navan

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Meath County Council Active Travel Section is currently undertaking a Statutory Public Consultation in relation to Part 8 proposal for a pedestrian and cycle scheme in Navan.

As part of this process, the Meath County Council Active Travel Section wishes to consult with a wide selection of representative groups of persons with disabilities in an effort to identify any additional inputs to the decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities. In this regard, the Active Travel Section of the Transportation Department of Meath County Council would like you to be informed of a current Part 8 planning application for an Active Travel Scheme, ‘Navan Cycle Scheme – Martha’s Bridge to Circular Road Scheme’ and to highlight the opportunity for engagement in the decision making process.

A link to the webpage containing a description of the proposed scheme and document pertaining to the scheme is available at:


Meath County Council looks forward to your engagement in the process.


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