Public Consultation on Digital Public Services

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Department of Public Expenditure and Reform are looking for your help on how we can improve Irish public services by making it easier for you to use public services digitally.

Do you have ideas for improving public services as we put them online? Are there reasons you don’t use public services online? Are there public services you think should be available online?

If so, then this consultation is for you!


Rather than making assumptions about your experiences and preferences, this consultation aims to understand what your priorities are in terms of what services should be put online first and what features, supports or assistance you would like to make digital public services easier and more efficient to use. We want to hear your views on how you access and engage with public services – these can include services that are already available in person at an office, online, by paper-based application, over the phone, etc.

The questions will take 10 – 15 minutes to answer. The consultation is open from 20 July and is due to close at the end of September 2022.

Click now to go straight to the consultation or read more below

Ta Leagan Gaeilge ar fáil anseo


When we talk about public services, we mean services like applying for a medical card , passport or driving licence , paying taxes , registering a birth, death, or marriage, accessing supports such as social welfare benefits , Young Farmers Scheme or Basic Payment Scheme , the National Childcare Scheme , a grant to go to college , Garda vetting , accessing your local library or setting up a business . See gov.ie for more details of public services.


In Connecting Government 2030: A Digital and ICT Strategy for Ireland’s Public Service and Civil Service Renewal 2030 , we aim to create world-leading digital government services. Getting your views will help us improve digital public services for everyone.

At the same time, by improving digital services we will also improve the off-line experience for those who are unable to access services digitally. We are engaging with representative organisations to ensure we get views from people who may not be able to participate online.

Results of this consultation will be published and help us plan how we deliver improved digital public services.


Submissions should be submitted by completing this questionnaire . We have set out a number of questions for you to answer. Not all will apply to you – some questions will only appear depending on the answer you give to a previous question. The questions will take 10 – 15 minutes to answer.

Ta Leagan Gaeilge ar fáil anseo

The consultation is open from 22 July 2022 and will close at the end of September 2022.


This consultation is aimed at individual users (or their representatives) who access public services in a personal capacity for themselves and/or their family/household. It is also for those who wish to access public services related to setting up a business.

The consultation is anonymous so please ensure that you do not include any personally identifiable details. However, if you are interested in being contacted for a possible follow-up afterwards, there is an opportunity to provide an email address at the end of the consultation questionnaire.

The information gathered via this consultation, along with information from other sources, will help us plan how we deliver public services online in the future. Therefore, it may be shared with other public service organisations. It may also be subject to release under Freedom of Information legislation.


Prepared by:

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform


Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/05e8f-public-consultation-of-public-services/


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