COVID-19 vaccine multi lingual videos and posters

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The HSE National Social Inclusion Office have developed video resources to support the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

It is hoped that the videos will be a helpful source of information about COVID-19 vaccination for people who are living in Ireland and whose primary language is not English.

These video resources have been developed in partnership with the HSE National Immunisation Office (NIO), HSE Communications, Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) and Translate Ireland.

The resources are as follows:


COVID-19 Vaccine videos

Available in 13 languages (Albanian, Georgian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, Slovak, Polish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Romanian, Ukrainian)

View here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsQK32cdMW_ySPsPAv1LiCcYTbeUQ5WMg


COVID-19 Vaccine posters

Available in 15 languages (Albanian, Georgian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, Slovak , Polish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Romanian, Ukrainian, English, Farsi,)

Please see links below. These posters will soon be made available on www.hse.ie/translations


COVID-19 vaccine information videos for pregnant women

Available in 10 languages (English, Arabic, Portuguese, French, Lithuanian, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Russian)

View here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsQK32cdMW_wzImiyXhBDbj9rh9WnT6oS


Further translated resources are available at www.hse.ie/translations


Please find links below:

Traveller COVID 19 sharing resources

Roma COVID 19 sharing resources

Migrant Health COVID 19 sharing resources

Addiction COVID 19 sharing resources

Homeless COVID 19 sharing resources

DSGBV COVID 19 Sharing Resources


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