Research Mapping Development Education across Ireland 2021: Saolta-Development Perspectives

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Saolta-Development Perspectives (DP), a DFA-Irish Aid funded NGO charged with, among other things, providing and promoting Development Education-Global Citizenship Education (DE-GCE) in the Irish Adult and Community Education/Community Development sector.

Saolta-Development Perspectives (DP) are conducting a  ‘mapping’ out Development Education-Global Citizenship Education and Training activity across Ireland – who’s doing what, type of DE-GCE activity, etc.

The research includes a short online survey (see link below). This in turn will help in identifying gaps in DE-GCE in the Community & Adult Education/Community Development sector as well as opportunities for funding, resource allocation, etc.

The survey can be accessed  here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1pcS96MV9zunxB8n6FBmt5_ykSBB6DK6zW5ZYKAeRpgwQPg/viewform


For more information, e.g. if you are unsure if your work involves DE-GCE, we have prepared an information booklet which you can find here: https://issuu.com/tonym1967/docs/4th_information_booklet_for_de_prov_45f036a7cf1cd4


The latest date for submission of survey entries is Friday, December 10th 2021: ****extended closing date***

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