Open grant round at The Community Foundation for Ireland

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The Community Foundation for Ireland’s Covid-19 fund is open for applications.

The aim of this fund is to ensure Ireland recovers better than the pre-pandemic status quo. Isolation and the impact on health and wellbeing is affecting people of all ages, so through the Overcoming Isolation grant round .

The Community Foundation will support social prescribing initiatives in outdoor spaces and online. This will encourage peer support, a sense of community and improved mental wellbeing.

Grants of up to €3,000 will be available for community development organisations for projects that encourage communities to overcome the isolation of the last 18 months through programmes, and developing online platforms and outdoor spaces.


The deadline for applications is 4.30pm Thursday 7th October.

Please click here for the full criteria and online application form. Applications sent in via email will not be accepted.

FAQs and more information can be found on our website here

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