Stay Safe: water safety guidance

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Did you know that 76 people drowned in Ireland last year? With the good weather forecast for the days ahead, please be aware of safety at or near water and stay safe.


  • Beware of rip currents.
  • Know your limits.
  • Never use inflatable toys on open water and always supervise children closely.
  • As you socially-distance, avoid swimming in unfamiliar areas that are potentially unsafe.
  • Before you get out on the water on a craft, get into a lifejacket.
  • Never mix alcohol with water activities.
  • When walking the shoreline be aware that incoming tides can lead to stranding.
  • Know The Lifeguard Flags: No Lifeguard flag means that there is no Lifeguard on duty. A red flag means that a Lifeguard is on duty but has deemed conditions to be too unsafe to swim. The red and yellow flags mean a Lifeguard is on duty and the Lifeguard is patrolling between those flags.


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