Purpose & Principles Framework for the Meath PPN

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To help support the development of the Meath Public Participation Network, a draft Framework of Purpose & Principles for the network is being circulated by survey link to all members for consideration.

A set of principles and a clear purpose for the Meath PPN will help ensure that the network operates in a way which is useful and relevant for its members and supports the participation and representation of communities in decision-making within Meath.

An outline of purpose and principles includes:


Purpose of Meath PPN

  • Collaboration –  support member groups to work together
  • Build capacity –  through training & support for members
  • Representation –  fair, equitable, transparent, accountable


Principles & Values of Meath PPN

  • Inclusive
  • Participatory, open, respectful
  • Independent
  • Valuing of diversity
  • Transparent
  • Accountable
  • Equality


Please find a survey link below to the full draft Framework of Purpose & Principles :

Draft Framework of Purpose & Principles for Meath PPN – survey link


The set of principles is taken from the 2020 PPN Handbook. Please find link to the Handbook here

Published by the Department of Rural & Community Development, the 2020 PPN Handbook sets out the requirements for how a PPN should be structured and operate for its member groups and achieve the aims of participation and representation as intended by legislation.

The principles and values contained in the draft Framework will help shape the development of governance systems within the Meath PPN so that network achieves its purpose for its members.


We would appreciate your consideration of the draft Framework and response by Monday 12th April 2021


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