Sports Development Project CLG, Navan CE Scheme: Call for new sponsor groups

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Sports Development Project CLG is a local Community Employment Scheme based in Navan Co Meath, we are currently looking for new sponsor groups to join our team.

  • Are you looking for a Community Employment Learner to support your group’s activities?


What we can offer potential Sponsors

  • Source suitable learners for your organisation
  • Provide support and assistance to your liaison person
  • Ensure adequate insurances are in place
  • Support you with purchasing materials required for the CE learner
  • Ensure issues of concern are addressed in a timely manner
  • Inform you of any changes to the management/structure of SDP
  • Inform you of any operational changes to the Community Employment Scheme
  • Recognise the right of all participants to be treated with dignity and respect and we are committed to ensuring that all learners are provided with a safe working environment which is free from all forms of bullying and harassment.
  • To ensure there are training opportunities for the Learner and support CE learners with their training progression plan


What is Community Employment and what are the Objectives?

  • The CE programme is sponsored by groups who benefit the local community, namely voluntary Organisations and public bodies involved in not-for-profit activities.
  • The aim of CE is to enhance the employability and mobility of disadvantaged and unemployed persons by providing work experience and training opportunities for them within their communities. In addition, it helps long-term unemployed people to re-enter the active workforce by breaking their experience of unemployment through a return to work routine.
  • The Department’s priority in supporting CE is having access to schemes that can provide job seekers and other vulnerable groups with good quality work experience and training qualifications to support their progression into employment.


Positions we currently offer

  • Clerical
  • Retail
  • Catering
  • Maintenance
  • Youth Workers
  • Athletic Development Officers
  • Cleaning
  • Drivers


Learners are required to work for a period of 19.5 hours per week (excluding breaks).

The Sponsor may agree for this period of work to be arranged in various combinations, e.g.

  • 39 hours every second week,
  • or 19.5 hours every week,
  • in combinations of full or half days or 2.5 days per week.



If your Organisation is interested in finding out more about Community Employment please contact:

Sharon Woods CE Supervisor, Sports Development Project CLG, Claremont Stadium, Commons Road, Navan Co Meath.

Tel: 0469029966/0892527952

Email: sportsdev.ce@gmail.com

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