AONTAS: One Step Up – information & referral service

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AONTAS believes in creating a more equitable lifelong learning system in Ireland where all learners, particularly in adult and community education can thrive. Simply put, every adult should be able to access quality education throughout their lives. Education is transformative and empowering for individuals, their families and communities, with wide ranging benefits for society as a whole. Education opens doors, builds confidence, increases job satisfaction and employability, creates life opportunities, improves health, and plays a vital role in personal development, as well as much more.

Given the impact of the ongoing pandemic on mental health, social isolation and  (un)employment among many other areas of life, more and more people are considering returning to education to improve their overall wellbeing and circumstances.

AONTAS provides a free information and referral service as part of the European Agenda for Adult Learning project ‘Adult and Community Education: Supported Learner Pathways 2020-2021’.

You can access the One Step Up website here:

  • call our free helpline on 1800 303 669 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).


There is also a new Community Education section of the website you can now view by clicking Here

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