Bealtaine Gathering 2020: online events 20th & 21st October

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The Bealtaine Gathering 2020

The Bealtaine Gathering is happening next week online on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st of October (10am – 12.30 each day).

The event will be  of interest to members who organise creative events or events with older people in mind. As we all know it is increasingly difficult to plan events in the current landscape and so we hope these sessions will support groups in thinking about new and innovative ways of working next year. As part of the event, there will be information on running events online and outside, as well as inspirational talks from people working in this field internationally.


Tuesday 20th October

  • Creative Ageing in the time of Corona – Susan Perlstein, USA
  • Advocacy for the sector – Dr. Victoria Tandy, OBE, UK


Wednesday 21st October

  • A Tumultuous Year – 3 Arts & Ageing organisations respond
  • The Welcoming Project – communities come together through working on an intercultural arts project.
  • Making Art outdoors…what you should know & approaches to running projects and events remotely (online/phone/post). 


Find out more:








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