Mind Yourself – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Reading Guide: Children’s Books Ireland

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The Covid-19 pandemic is a considerable source of worry for children and families, and young people are having to cope with big changes at home and at school. In response, Children’s Books Ireland, in partnership with Jigsaw and ISPCC Childline, has created Mind Yourself – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Reading Guide.

The Mind Yourself reading guide is a resource that can be used by adults – parents, guardians, caregivers, teachers – to support and educate young people in relation to mental health and wellbeing.

The guide contains reviews and recommendations of over 400 books for children and young people from birth to age eighteen and is designed as a ‘first-aid kit’ for worries, sadness, loneliness, anxiety and any number of feelings that a young person may want to explore.

Mind Yourself also contains mental health and wellbeing information from Jigsaw and ISPCC Childline, including tips and coping strategies for young people and advice for adults on supporting children to build resilience.


The guide is available free of charge through libraries in the Republic of Ireland

A digital version of the Mind Yourself Reading Guide can be viewed or downloaded here


Ref:  https://childrensbooksireland.ie/our-publications/ 

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