Positive Ageing Week 2020

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Positive Ageing Week 2020: September 28th  – October 2nd 

After the outbreak of COVID-19 affected the health of so many older people across the globe, the United Nations decided that the theme of the International Day of Older People (1st October) this year, would be on the impact of pandemics on how we address age and ageing.

‘2020 has seen the emergence of COVID-19, which has caused upheaval across the world. Considering the higher risks confronted by older persons during the outbreak of pandemics such as COVID-19, policy and programmatic interventions must be targeted towards raising awareness of their special needs’ – UN Nations Day for Older Persons


You can find a list of events happening next week at the following link: https://positiveageingweek.com/events/

To register for any of the events that are being hosted (via Zoom) by Age Action please CLICK HERE


As a result of the current public health measures it is not possible to hold face to face events during Positive Ageing Week 2020.  Any events will be held virtually.  Age Action realises that not everyone has access to technology, or the broadband needed to support such virtual gatherings but we would hope that those who have can engage with some/all of the events will do so during the week. Please participate by registering any activity or event that’s happening in your area to celebrate the older people in our lives and the contribution they make to our families and our communities.

By affording older people, and organisations working at a community level, the opportunity to tell their stories, PAW can help in enabling these voices to influence new strategies on ageing.

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