One Step Up: information & referral service for adult education

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With over 50 years of experience in adult learning, AONTAS understands that getting the right information for returning to education can be challenging. The free One Step Up Information and Referral Service supports thousands of adults of all ages and backgrounds back into education every year.

The service consists of a


Last year

  • the website was viewed over 28,000 times
  • Over 270 individuals contacted the service directly via Freephone and email
  • Almost 450 events were promoted for free via the One Step Up Calendar


Given new uses of technology and ongoing uncertainty surrounding health and safety, many education providers are now promoting their organisations and courses via virtual Open Days and online information sessions. If your organisation would like to reach thousands of potential learners for free then you can advertise your virtual Open Days and other information events via the One Step Up Calendar.


To find out more about your education and training options; and how best to support your clients, service users and members back into education please visit www.onestepup.ie . You can also call our Freephone Helpline 1800 303 669 or email our Information and Policy Officer Sam O’Brien-Olinger: sobrienolinger@aontas.com


One Step Up is part of the EU-funded project ‘2020-2021 Adult and Community Education: Supported Learner Pathways’. The project is funded by SOLAS and the European Commission

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