Webinar: Creating a Local Sustainable Future: The importance of a Vision for Community Wellbeing – Tuesday 15th September

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Creating a Local Sustainable Future: The importance of a Vision for Community Wellbeing
  • What: Webinar – The Importance of a Vision for Community Wellbeing
  • Date: Tuesday 15th September
  • Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm


A county’s Vision for Community Wellbeing (VCW) acts as a guiding vision for the work of the local Public Participation Network, ensuring that the community’s vision for the future is at the heart of all decisions.

This webinar focuses on the why of creating a Wellbeing Statement and hears from PPNs who have been through the process about their experience. It aims to inspire more people to take part in its creation, and showcase some practical applications for a completed VCW.


What will we cover?

  • Introduction to the Wellbeing Statement: What it is and why it is important
  • Examples of the creation and use of the Vision for Community Wellbeing from Longford PPN and Longford Secretariat members
  • This webinar will have a specific environmental focus: Group discussion on the environmental aspects of our wellbeing, and how they can underpin the Vision for Community Wellbeing


Click here for a full overview



  • 6.30: Introduction and housekeeping
  • 6.35: Introduction to the Wellbeing Statement: What it is and why it is important – Speaker: Harriet Emerson
  • 6.50: Wellbeing Statements in practice: Hearing from Secretariat and PPN Resource Workers on the practicalities and outcomes of a Wellbeing Statement.
  • 7.20: Q&A with all speakers
  • 7.35: Wellbeing and the Environment – A brief overview of the connections between environment, community and social inclusion issues.
  • 7.40: Group discussion: In what ways does a healthy environment underpin the Vision for Community Wellbeing? – Exploring links between diverse issues under the six headings of the VCW, with a focus on environmental solutions.
  • 8.25: Wrap up



Please note: This webinar is not a replacement for the training and workshops that your PPN will host when creating your county’s Vision for Community Wellbeing (VCW). Rather, this webinar is an introduction to the basic concepts of the VCW, and a conversation focused on the links between environmental issues and other concerns within the community.

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