Arts Grant Schemes: closing date 20th August

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Arts Grants, Awards & Bursaries Schemes 2020 Closing Dates

Just a reminder to all that the new closing date of Thursday August 20th 2020 at 1pm for
the following schemes is approaching;

• Annual Arts Grants Scheme

• Community Arts Award

• Festival Grant Scheme

• Professional Artists Development Fund

• Tyrone Guthrie Centre Regional Bursary Award

And Thursday September 24th 2020 at 1pm for the School Musical Instrument Purchase

Unfortunately there will be no Drama League of Ireland Bursary awards this year as the DLI
Summer School has been cancelled due to Covid19.

Full details and application forms are available from artsoffice@meathcoco.ie or


As many circumstances have changed, individuals or organisations who have already
submitted an application are now required to email the Arts Office confirming the event,
festival or project for which funding was sought is still going ahead in 2020.

If we do not hear from you we will assume you no longer wish to pursue your application.

If however you have had to postpone your project or event in 2020 and now wish to apply
for a revised project taking place in 2020 you should email the Arts Office at
artsoffice@meathcoco.ie to advise us of same.

Please note you must make a new application for any revised project.

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