Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade: Eirgrid Update

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Please find a copy below of Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade – Project Update  Step 3

Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade – Update Summer 2020 – pdf


The Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade will connect Dunstown substation in Co. Kildare to Woodland substation in Co. Meath. This upgrade is required to reinforce the electricity network in Kildare, Meath and surrounding counties.


EirGrid are currently assessing 5 options for this upgrade. An up-voltage option (replace an existing line), a new overhead line option or 3 underground cable options.

Before deciding what option to bring to the next stage of this project, EirGrid plan on consulting and engaging with communities in the Autumn in relation to the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade.


Futher information available below:

Project website: www.eirgrid.ie/KildareMeath,

Video YouTube: https://youtu.be/r1JqjNcJYcs

Interactive microsite with maps: https://tinyurl.com/KildareMeathStep3/.

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