The Wheel: Last Places Remaining for Free Covid-19 Induction Training

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All employers are under mandatory obligation to provide COVID-19 induction training to their employees prior to their return to the workplace.

With support from Medtronic and working in partnership with Adare Human Resource Management, we recently delivered a series of COVID-19 Induction Training online sessions.

We now have 16 additional places available for this training for the coming days (see dates below). We invite you to register for this free training now – first come, first served…


The focus of this free training session includes:
• What is COVID-19?
• What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19
• How is COVID-19 spread?
• Reporting suspected COVID-19
• Isolation
• Hand hygiene protocols and etiquette
• Physical distancing
• Mental and health well-being.


How to Book Your Free Place

1. Pick your date:
• 27 July – 1 space at 2pm, 1 space at 3.30pm
• 29 July – 7 spaces at 9am, 2 spaces at 2pm. 1 space at 3.30pm
• 30 July – 1 space free at 12:30pm
• 31 July – 1 space free at 11am, 1 space free at 12:30pm, 1 space free at 4pm.

2. Register your place by emailing Grace Dooley at gdooley@adarehrm.ie.

You must inform Grace of the precise date and time you wish to book for. Please also indicate if you are a member of The Wheel when booking.

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