Irish Hospice Foundation: Care & Inform Resources and Bereavement Support Line

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Irish Hospice Foundation 

Care & Inform Resources & Bereavement Support Line


The Irish Hospice Foundation wants to continue to keep you informed and supported in matters relating to end-of-life and bereavement during these exceptional times. With the knowledge and experience we have gathered over many years we are responding to the emerging needs in this challenging period with our new resources on our Care & Inform hub and through the Bereavement Support Line.

We have developed this flyer to support the dissemination of these resources to people that cannot access online resources and therefore are not availing of these wide range of supports particularly those who are caring for someone who is approaching end of life in the home, those that have been recently bereaved or planning a funeral and others.

IHF Care & Inform Information AFI June 2020 – flyer PDF

This flyer details the resources from our Care & Inform’ Information Hub with a focus on caring at home and for those with loved ones in hospitals or nursing homes. The Caring for Others section of the hub contains new resources such as When someone you care about is dying in a nursing home – what to expect and Caring for someone, nearing end of life, at home during the COVID-19 crisis. Please find links to these new resources below.

  • What can I do when I can’t visit a loved one who is dying?
  • Caring for someone at home during the covid-19 crisis
  • Caring for someone at the end of life at home
  • When someone you care about is dying in hospital: what to expect
  • When someone you care about is dying in a nursing home: what to expect
  • Palliative care: what is it and who is it for?


In June, the Irish Hospice Foundation launched the new Bereavement Support Line, in conjunction with the HSE, is here to support those affected by bereavement during COVID-19. It is staffed by trained Irish Hospice Foundation personnel and volunteers. Call free phone 1800 80 70 77, Monday to Friday, 10am – 1pm.

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