Returning to Volunteering Safely: Volunteer Ireland resources

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Returning to Volunteering Safely

Volunteer Ireland have put together a series of resources for both organisations and volunteers to help them during the response to COVID-19. Ireland is gradually re-opening our economy and our society. It is vital we continue to adhere to the rules for this new way of living to continue to suppress the spread of COVID-19. The safety and well-being of volunteers and those they help is paramount.

This resource contains practical advice that should be used as a guide to support volunteer involving organisations to put measures in place that will allow volunteering to resume safely and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Individual organisations can use it to develop their own protocols.

Download ‘Returning to Volunteering Safely’ guide


This resource also includes a number of templates. You can download editable versions of these templates here:

Download ‘Pre-Return to Volunteer Risk Assessment COVID-19’ template

Download ‘Return to Volunteer – Induction Meeting COVID-19’ template

Download ‘Volunteer Programme Sample COVID-19 Action Plan’ template

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