Covid Partner Pack Update: HSE Communications

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We are grateful for your continuing support in helping to share information about COVID-19. Below are a few communications updates for you.


HSE Translated COVID-19 Resources

Since March 2020, the HSE has been working to make public health advice accessible to many groups of people, with different abilities and needs, and from varied communities.

To date, these resources have been downloaded more than 27,000 times and the public health information has been translated into 27 languages other than English and Irish.

These languages include Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Farsi, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, Urdu and Yoruba.

You can find the most up to date translated information resources for COVID-19 including the latest ‘Stay Safe, Protect Each Other’ posters here.

You can find a COVID-19: Important information for the Roma Community video here.

The HSE’s National Social Inclusion office has a COVID-19 Migrant Health resources page, which includes videos in various languages and further specific translated resources.


Other Translated Resources

The COVID-19 World Service is a joint initiative of Nasc and Together Ireland. Over 20 doctors and other healthcare professionals from around the world, but living and working in Ireland, developed video messages aimed at providing up-to-date and accurate public health information in a range of languages. These videos have recently been updated and can be found at: https://nascireland.org/covid-19-world-service.


COVID-19 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communications Resources

For people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, communicating in a health setting such as a busy clinic or ward situation can be difficult. The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity for many healthcare staff to wear face masks have made communication even more difficult, especially for people who may rely on lip-reading. It is recommended that face masks be removed at social distance to facilitate lip reading where required. A transparent visor should also be considered as an option.


The Irish Deaf Society and Chime, in partnership with the HSE, have prepared resources for use by Healthcare workers and people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. These can be found here and include guidelines for staff, communication supports and videos in Irish Sign Language. 



Return to Services

Plans for a phased restart of the HSE’s screening programmes have been announced, with CervicalCheck and Diabetic RetinaScreen programmes restarting in July followed by BreastCheck and BowelScreen in September/October. The programmes were paused in March 2020 on Public Health advice due to COVID-19. Invitations and reminders for people who are now overdue screening will be sent on a phased basis, in line with programme prioritisation. Screening will look different with protective measures in place to protect both participants and staff.

For more information and advice, visit: www.screeningservice.ie



Stay Safe. Protect each other. Wear a face covering.

Many thanks for your support in helping to share the message about the importance of face coverings. We have once again attached a partner pack for face coverings.

You can find information on face coverings here.

You can download the poster on how to use face coverings here with a high resolution version available here.



Public Health Information:

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ and https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/


Please also check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.


If your organisation has any specific requests in relation to COVID-19 public health information materials, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know.



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