EirGrid: Update – Kildare Meath Grid Upgrade Project: An Bord Pleanála grants planning permission

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EirGrid secures planning permission for Kildare–Meath electricity project

Press release 20 March 2025

EirGrid, the operator and developer of Ireland’s electricity grid, has welcomed the granting of planning permission for the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade.

The decision, by An Bord Pleanála, follows an extensive period of consultation and engagement with communities and stakeholders in the area.

This upgrade to the grid will add a high-capacity 400 kV underground electricity connection between Dunstown substation in Kildare and Woodland substation in Meath.

The project was identified as being key in supporting the distribution of electricity on the grid in Meath, Kildare and surrounding counties.

In making its decision, An Bord Pleanála stated that the project “would be consistent with the provisions of the Climate Action Plan 2024 and would make a significant positive contribution towards Ireland’s renewable energy and security of energy supply requirements and would contribute to the resilience of the overall energy supply network.”

This critical infrastructure will also help meet growing energy demand in the region due to increased economic development and population growth.

EirGrid’s Chief Infrastructure Officer, Michael Mahon said: “EirGrid welcomes the decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission for the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade. It is a critical infrastructure project which will enable us to move electricity more effectively to the east of the country where there is increasing demand. It will also be an essential part in helping to achieve 80% of our electricity being generated from renewable sources.

“I would like to thank the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade Community Forum for their work to date in ensuring that local views are heard. We will continue to work with the forum and all stakeholders as the project progresses to the next stage.”

Sinead Ronan, Chief Executive of County Kildare Chamber said: “This is a welcome decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission for the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade. With a growing population and increased demand for electricity, this upgrade is much needed in the Kildare area to support communities. Improved infrastructure is also key to our economic development and to help ensure the continued success of local businesses and industry.”

For more information on the project visit: https://www.eirgrid.ie/community/projects-your-area/kildare-meath-grid-upgrade

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