The Hare’s Corner 2025: support for landowners’ climate, biodiversity projects – closing date 20th March

The Hare’s Corner is a ‘goodwill’ project, co-ordinated by part-time staff and volunteers at the charity, the Burrenbeo Trust. Our mission is to support landowners to create as much space for nature as possible with whatever funding we can muster. This project is currently funded by a combination of public and private funding sources the details on whom you will find on our info page linked below.
Participation in the Hare’s Corner will involve no cost to the landowner, and we guarantee minimal paperwork. All we ask in return from beneficiaries is their commitment to act as ‘stewards’ of their own special Hare’s Corner. It’s easy to apply. Simply click on the application link above to fill out an online questionnaire. Applicants can select one or more biodiversity measures.
There’s more information, resources and FAQs for you to read here.
Full details:
The Hare’s Corner project offers landowners practical support to carry out simple but impactful actions for nature by providing funding, expert advice and materials.
To apply, please complete this short survey before March 20th – it should only take 10 minutes.
You may apply for one or more biodiversity actions including a Plan for Nature, a Wildlife Pond, a Native Mini-Woodland, a Heritage Mini-Orchard, and/or a Wildlife Hedgerow.
Supports for Plans for Nature and Wildlife Ponds will be given over the summer months, while trees for our Native Mini-Woodland, Heritage Mini-Orchard, and/or a Wildlife Hedgerow measures will be provided next winter.
Here are a few requirements to be aware of:
1.) You should own land in either Carlow, Galway, Limerick, Meath, Offaly, or Sligo or have permission to carry out works on land in these counties (e.g. if you are applying on behalf of a school or community group)
2.) You should not apply for measures on land which is ‘designated’, e.g. Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protected Area (SPA), or (proposed) Natural Heritage Area (pNHA). If you are unsure, visit this website and enter your address/location: NPWS Designations Viewer
3.) You should not apply for measures on land which contains an historic monument. If you are unsure, visit this website and enter your address/location: Heritage Viewer
4.) You should not apply for land which is already covered under the ACRES scheme or the NPWS Farm Plan Scheme, or for measures which are funded under another agri-environment scheme you participate in.
5.) You should not displace a species rich habitat when creating your Hare’s Corner.
If you are unsure about any of these points, please visit our website to find out more information at:
Our partners
Burrenbeo Trust is partnering with Biodiversity officers in counties Galway, Limerick, Sligo, Meath, Offaly, Carlow and Galway city to be able to offer Hare’s Corners to landowners in these counties. The Hare’s Corner initiative in 2025 will be funded through a combination of public and private sector funding, including the Local Biodiversity Action Fund supported by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and private funders – NTR PLC, Greencoat Renewables PLC, ESB, and Aldi Stores Ltd. The Local Authority Biodiversity Officer Programme is delivered in Partnership with the Heritage Council.