Meath County Council: Public Consultation Notice of publication of Draft Litter Management Plan 2025-2027

Notice of publication of Draft Litter Management Plan 2025-2027
Notice is hereby given under Section 10 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended, that Meath County Council has published a Draft Litter Management Plan 2025-2027. The draft plan has been prepared for the prevention and control of litter in the County and sets out appropriate objectives for the three-year period.
A copy of the draft plan is available for public inspection during normal opening hours at the offices of Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Navan for a period of four weeks from Friday 20th December 2024 until Friday 17th January 2025.
The draft plan can be downloaded during that period from
The Draft Plan is also available on Meath County Council’s online consultation portal
Submissions can be made on the Draft Plan by registering on where you can then make a submission online
Submissions and observations on the proposed Draft Plan are invited from members of the public and from voluntary and representative bodies and such submissions will be taken into consideration before the Draft Plan is adopted or implemented.
Submissions should be made online as detailed above or in writing and marked “Draft Litter Management Plan” to the following address:
The Environment Section Meath County Council, Buvinda House., Navan.
Or email:
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 4pm on Friday 17th January 2025