Farmer Well-Being: new initiative launched

The Farmer Wellbeing Boards have been designed to raise awareness about the key factors that can create stress for farmers and to highlight some of the signs that may indicate they are experiencing stress in their lives.
The Farmer Wellbeing Board was launched last Tuesday 17 December 2024 at Ballyjamesduff Mart, Co. Cavan. This was a collaboration with Mental Health Ireland, Teagasc, Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention for Cavan Monaghan and myself as the Resource Officer for Louth Meath.
The Boards and accompanying wallet-size information cards highlight things that we can do to support our well-being and most importantly, the Well-Being Boards raise awareness about the practical, confidential and non-judgmental supports available when a farmer or anyone feels they are struggling.
The A0 sized Boards will be supplied to all marts and agricultural outlets across the four counties of Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Meath. They will be put on display in a prominent location.
The Boards and the wallet cards also include a QR code which when scanned, leads directly to a copy of the Board which is being kindly hosted on the Teagasc Farm Health & Safety webpage.–safety/
Farm TV are also doing a promotional piece for display at the marts.
Representatives from Teagasc, Macra, the IFA and IFA Farm Families who attended the launch have all agreed to promote the initiative. We are very grateful for the support we received.