Connecting for Life: Newsletter Q4 2024

This newsletter is from the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP)
National Mental Health Promotion Plan launched
The Chief Medical Officer, Professor Mary Horgan, last week launched Pathways to Wellbeing – the National Mental Health Promotion Plan. The development of this plan is a policy commitment set out in both Sharing the Vision and in Healthy Ireland.
The Plan responds to the need for population level mental health promotion, as demonstrated by the impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. It seeks to strengthen individuals and the communities where they live while addressing the structural barriers to good mental health at societal level.
The HSE NOSP was pleased to participate to the Oversight Group that developed Pathways to Wellbeing – Ireland’s first National Mental Health Promotion Plan.
National Mental Health Research Strategy published
The new National Mental Health Research Strategy is a comprehensive framework to guide and advance mental health research in Ireland. It was developed by the Health Research Board as a whole-of-government strategy, and published by the Department of Health this month.
The strategy aligns with Sharing the Vision – A Mental Health Policy for Everyone and was a key recommendation in its Implementation Plan for 2022 to 2024. It reflects the policy’s commitment to evidence-informed mental health services and supports.
– Read more and download the new strategy
– You can now connect with HSE Sharing the Vision, on LinkedIn
Healthy Ireland Survey 2024 published
This month the results of the Healthy Ireland Survey 2024 were published. Supported by the Department of Health, the annual survey by Ipsos B&A gives an up-to-date picture of the health of the nation, reporting on many health-related lifestyle behaviours.
In recent years, the survey has included a module on suicide. This module is voluntary with a minority of respondents completing this online. However, the survey reports:
- Overall, 69% of respondents report knowing someone who has died by suicide and 15% know someone close to them who has died by suicide.
- For those who know someone who has died by suicide, 8% say the death had a significant or devastating effect on them that they still feel.
- Overall, 7% of respondents report they have attempted to take their own life. Just over a fifth (22%) of those reporting their health as bad report an attempt to take their own life, compared to 5% among those reporting good health.
– Read more and download the survey
CSO Vital Statistics Annual Report for 2022
This quarter, the Central Statistics Office published new information on suicide statistics in Ireland. This information included:
- The Vital Statistics Annual Report for 2022, which shows provisionally, 436 deaths from suicide in 2022, of which 346 were males and 90 were females.
- A bulletin on Suicide Statistics up to 2021, which shows revised figures, including the most recent late registered deaths, from 2011 to 2021.
If you are a media professional covering suicide statistics, remember research evidence shows that certain types of media depictions – such as explicitly describing a method, or sensational and excessive reporting – can lead to imitational suicidal behaviour among vulnerable people.
Incorrect interpretations of suicide figures can also have harmful impacts. Helpful guidance is available:
– Samaritans Ireland Media Guidelines for Reporting Suicide.
– Preventing suicide: a resource for media professionals, from the World Health Organisation.
European Grief Conference takes place in Ireland
The HSE was proud to support this years European Grief Conference 2024 – Bereavement and Grief: Responding to need and building collaborative networks – which took place in Croke Park, Dublin.
This conference brought together national and international researchers, practitioners, and educators to learn, share and feel inspired to collaborate around the development and implementation of effective and culturally sensitive bereavement care responses across Europe.
Notably, this year’s conference – hosted in Ireland by Irish Hospice Foundation – showcased a diverse range of suicide grief and suicide bereavement research and initiatives.
Suicide Prevention and Public Health
The HSE NOSP was pleased to facilitate a recent workshop with colleagues from across the new HSE Health Regions, to consider new Public Health approaches to suicide prevention.
HSE Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention, HSE Regional Departments of Public Health, HSE National Public Health and the National Suicide Research Foundation collaborated, with a focus on developing greater whole of population, public health approaches to suicide and self-harm prevention in Ireland.
Key themes of the day included: social and commercial determinants of suicide; restricting access to means; improving data quality; establishing surveillance systems, and; trauma informed approaches.
The development of the new HSE Health Regions – aligned with Sláintecare – provides a timely opportunity to build greater integrated health services, including suicide and self-harm prevention.
Monitoring the implementation of Connecting for Life
The HSE NOSP continues to support the national implementation of Connecting for Life. The offices facilitates the work of the National Cross Sectoral Steering and Implementation Group for the strategy (chaired by the Department of Health). It prepares quarterly progress reports capturing the work of stakeholders in both statutory, and NGO sectors.
– Read the latest progress reports for Q4 2024 (statutory) and Q3 2024 (NGO).
First Fortnight Festival 2025 programme launched
The annual mental health, arts and culture festival – First Fortnight – takes place from 4th to 18th January. The programme includes events across art forms including poetry, music, textile art, and theatre. The festival uniquely platforms artists who tell stories, and help to open up frank and honest conversations about mental health.
– Explore the nationwide programme below and find an event for you.
– Join us in Smock Alley Theatre (15th January) to revisit Safe Harbour, a beautiful illustrated storybook for children who have been bereaved by suicide.
Shine Mental Health Media Awards take place
The annual Shine Mental Health Media Awards took place in Dublin this month. The awards celebrate stories that break down mental health stereotypes, engage audiences and enhance the public’s understanding of mental health issues. They reflect the challenges, lived experience and realities of people living with mental ill health.
This year, there were 10 categories across print, online, broadcast and digital, and a special Shine Audience Choice Award.
– Read the 2024 awards shortlist
Light up for Samaritans Longest Night
On December 21st, hundreds of corporate and landmark buildings across the country will be illuminated in green for Samaritans annual Longest Night appeal. All illuminated buildings will act as a reminder that Samaritans are there to support everyone in their darkest hours.
Show your stakeholders that you understand how important it is to be there for people at risk of suicide. By lighting up your building, you’ll be raising awareness that if anyone needs someone to listen, they can call Samaritans any time of the day or night.
– Read more, and take part in Samaritans Longest Night on December 21st
HSE Public Health Strategy Consultation Survey
The HSE is developing a five-year Public Health Strategy. The goal is to capture the vision, mission, values and priorities for Public Health across the HSE. Initial work was done on co-designing the vision, mission and value statements as well as key priorities for Public Health.
They now want your help in shaping the vision, mission, values, and key priorities, by completing a quick survey. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete, and will close on the 7th January 2025.
Empathy Online
Build your empathy toolkit for responding to harm and supporting others online. ‘Empathy Online’ is a free, new, comprehensive, self-directed digital learning programme from spunout. It presents a fresh new approach for responding to difficult and harmful content online.
– Read more and complete the Empathy Online course
Gadget Gift Guide
With the support of the HSE CyberSafeKids is encouraging parents to give their children a safer online experience this Christmas.
Their research shows that in Ireland, smart device ownership reaches 100% by the age of 14, which is why they have designed the handy CyberSafeKids Gadget Gift Guide to help you — as parents and guardians — be better informed before purchasing smart devices for your children and young people.
More news
Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services win at the Irish Healthcare Awards 2024 – Developing a Person Centred Mental Health Crisis Resolution Team, Mental Health Initiative of the Year
New: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Supports and Services – A short directory for Community Mental Health Teams (HSE Mental Health)
National Suicide Research Foundation, Annual Report 2023 (NSRF)
HSE Health and Wellbeing, Annual Report 2023 (HSE Health and Wellbeing)
National Men’s Health Action Plan 2024-2028 (Healthy Ireland, HSE, Department of Health)
€2m awarded to future UCC research leaders in health and social care research (UCC)
The Lancet Public Health Commission on gambling (The Lancet Public Health)
Factors affecting implementation of a National Clinical Programme for self-harm in hospital emergency departments: a qualitative study. BMJ Quality & Safety
Perceived Effectiveness of Components of Interventions to Support People Bereaved By Suicide: A Metareview of Systematic Reviews. Crisis, 0(0).
Adapting Complicated Grief Therapy for Use With People With Intellectual Disabilities: An Action Research Study. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil.