Directory of Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Supports and Services

This short directory was developed to support the implementation of recommendations within Sharing the Vision, Ireland’s national mental health policy. The directory highlights mental health and suicide
prevention supports and services delivered and facilitated by nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) with support from the HSE.
This practical short directory is adapted from a similar guide which was developed by the National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) for General Practitioners (GPs) and others working in primary care
settings in Ireland. It contains information on organisations offering services for adults and those offering services for younger people. This edition of the directory will be helpful for Community Mental Health Teams and others who work closely with people who may be experiencing mental health difficulties, suicidal ideation, engaging in deliberate self-harm, bereaved by suicide or for family members,
carers or supporters.
It includes the main organisations who receive funding nationally, from HSE Mental Health (in line with Sharing the Vision, Ireland’s National Mental Health Policy) and the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention (in line with Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide). The services and initiatives listed range from local support groups, self-help groups, voluntary and community-based counselling services to larger organisations with multiple branches.
This directory is published with kind permission of the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention. acknowledgement is due to the representatives from the NGO sector who participate in the
national implementation oversight group for Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide, who compiled this directory. It has been co-produced to support easy and effective
recommendation of mental health supports and services.