Irish Garden Bird Survey: help track the health of the country’s bird population over the winter.

BirdWatch Ireland is calling on people across the country to help monitor the health of the country’s bird populations by counting the birds visiting their garden over the winter.
Ireland’s longest-running and most popular citizen science survey, the Irish Garden Bird Survey, will commence on Monday, November 25th and run until the end of February. Taking part is free and simple, yet impactful, as all participants contribute to a crucial body of data that will help to inform monitoring and research into bird populations and environmental change.
Last year’s survey, which saw over 1,600 households across the country participating, revealed the Robin as Ireland’s top garden bird once again, present in 96% of gardens. Blackbird and Blue Tit followed in second and third place, occurring in 94% and 91% of gardens respectively. However, all three species appeared in fewer gardens than at any point in the last thirty years due to the mild winter weather conditions, which reduced birds’ need for garden feeders.

What’s involved?
Between December and February each year, we ask members of the public to keep note of the highest number of each bird species visiting their garden every week. We also ask for information on the size of the garden being surveyed, the kinds of food, if any, being offered to the birds, and so on. Taking part is fun, easy and an ideal way to get to know your garden birds better; it also makes an ideal school project.
Why do we count garden birds?
As the Irish countryside changes, gardens are becoming increasingly important havens for many species, and it is vital for us to know how their populations are faring. The Irish Garden Bird Survey does this not only by giving us a good idea of how our garden birds themselves are doing, but also an indication of how the environment is faring in general.
There’s no need to register beforehand. You can send us your garden bird records online, by email or by post, and we publish the results of the survey each year in the winter edition of Wings – our membership magazine.
Find out more
Information and resources are available on the BirdWatch Ireland website – link below: