Dunboyne & Clonee Transport Strategy: public consultation

Meath County Council are developing a Transport Strategy for the Dunboyne Clonee area to support the region’s sustainable growth into the future. We would like your feedback on the current transport offerings to help understand where things are working well, and where improvements need to be made.
Meath County Council want to hear from all parts of the community and have provided a survey to ask you questions about yourself, your travel habits in Dunboyne, and what you think works well and what should be improved. As part of this, we would like to hear how residents, students, workers and visitors currently travel to and around Dunboyne, and what people think would make travel easier, including journeys made by foot, bike, public transport and by car.
It should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete and you can make a response up to and including Friday, 29th of November 2024.
The questionnaire may be accessed online by clicking https://forms.office.com/e/4Exi00p6LP.
Alternatively, paper copies of this survey will be available at the reception of Meath County Council offices, Buvinda House, Navan upon request.
Dunboyne and Clonee Study Area.jpg

A little more information…
The Strategy will be developed through the Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) process, a process set out by the National Transport Authority (NTA) to ensure a consistent approach nationwide. This process is underway for Navan and has already been completed in other towns like Athlone, Clonmel, Nenagh and Tipperary.
Responses will be used to develop transport options for Dunboyne in line with National, Regional and Local policy, in particular the National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland (NIFTI) Modal Hierarchy and Intervention Hierarchy.