Consultation on a Potential National Disability Survey: Have your say.

The National Disability Authority, on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, is organising a consultation to gather input from key stakeholders on the development of a potential new National Disability Survey. This survey, which would be administered by the Central Statistics Office after the 2027 Census, would build on insights from a similar survey undertaken after the 2006 Census. The survey would collect data to better inform policies affecting and services for disabled people.
The consultation is for Disabled Persons’ Organisations, individuals with lived experience of disability, organisations that campaign for or support people with disabilities, and researchers is the field of disability. Stakeholders’ insights will be vital in shaping the scope and the priorities of the survey.
Two sessions will be held:
- In-person session: Tuesday, 26th November 2024, 13:00 – 16:30, Gibson Hotel Dublin, D01 X2. Register to attend here.
- Online session: Wednesday, 4th December 2024, 10:00 – 12:30, on Zoom. Register to attend here.
Participants are invited to register for only one session, as the same content will be covered in both.
If you require further information please contact Heather O’Leary at