Focus Group: Community Health & Wellbeing Programmes – Healthy Meath research project

On behalf of Healthy Meath, the research team at SHE (Sport, Health and Exercise) Research Centre at the Technological University of the Shannon, Athlone are conducting a project to evaluate the provision of community-based programmes which target physical activity or nutrition throughout the county of Meath.
For this part of the project we are inviting you to take part in a focus group/interview. The purpose of this focus group is to discuss your knowledge of or participation in community based programmes targeting physical activity or nutrition. The focus group will take approximately 1 hour of your time. We would be grateful of your participation and your opinions would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to participate, we invite you to read the participant information sheet ( available here ) and if you are willing, to submit your details on the below form:
Kind regards,
Dr Fiona Skelly
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Exercise Science
Course Coordinator B.Sc. Physical Activity and Health Science and B.Sc. Exercise and Health Science,
Department of Sport & Health Sciences