Open Dialogue Forum: Mental Health and Substance Use (Dual Diagnosis) – 14th November Dundalk

The Open Dialogue Forum will next meet on the 14th November from 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm in Muirhevnamor Community Centre, Dundalk, Co Louth.
Over the past six months community members and professionals in the Louth/Meath area have been coming together to build on their capacity and knowledge base regarding mental health and substance use (Dual Diagnosis). The workshops and open dialogue spaces have created a community and network of people that are committed and willing to work together to respond to the issue.
Please join us for the next open dialogue discussion around how we as the Louth/Meath community can continue to collectively work with issues regarding mental health and substance use in a meaningful and sustainable way. It is also encouraged that people raise awareness of these spaces with others in the community especially those with lived experience who can enrich the discussion.
If you would like to attend the Open Dialogue Forum then please fill in the application form and we will be in touch.