Irish Youth Foundation Flagship Fund 2024

The Irish Youth Foundation is once again opening our Flagship Fund for 2024. The goal of this fund is
to support projects and programmes around the country that are focused on lifting children and
young people up and out of poverty. We are primarily targeting organisations that work with
children and young people experiencing poverty and marginalisation.
Details available here:
The fund will support work that is aligned with one of the following three focus areas for change:
- Educational Attainment – Programmes that support positive transitions through school
from primary to secondary school and/or completion of secondary cycle - Health & Wellbeing – Programmes that support happy, healthy transitions from childhood
through to adulthood - Skills & Employability – Programmes that support successful transitions for young people to
economic independence
The Fund will support organisations working with children and young people in the Republic of
Ireland aged between 5-25 years.
Please note that counselling and therapy services will not be eligible for funding.
Who is eligible to apply for funding?
To be eligible the applying organisation must:
- Be a registered not-for-profit or charitable organisation
- Have a bank account set up in the name of the organisation
- Be registered in the Republic of Ireland and have been active in Ireland for the past 12
months - Have a child protection policy in place
What funding opportunities are available?
There are two categories of funding available:
- Promising Programmes Fund
- Awards of €10,000 – €30,000 will be granted under this category
This fund will support innovative and dynamic projects or initiatives. These projects should be
promising, not necessarily proven, and can provide some level of evidence on their effectiveness.
We are especially interested in supporting pioneering initiatives to help children and young people
overcome difficulty in their lives with innovative and creative thinking and/or collaboration at their
- Grassroots Fund
- Awards of €1,500 – €10,000 will be granted under this category
This fund will provide small grants for grassroots, community based projects to contribute to daily
running costs, programme costs or activities.
How can projects apply for the funding?
Information on applying can be found at