Netwatch Family Carer Of The Year Awards 2024

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Throughout Ireland, family carers dedicate themselves to providing remarkable levels of care in the home to loved ones, relatives and family friends with additional needs. With the pandemic, it has never been more important to recognise family carers and the selfless work they have done to protect those they care for. The Netwatch Family Carer of the Year Awards will honour Ireland’s hidden frontline and we need your help to identify these amazing family carers through nominations.

There are two categories of awards:

  • Family Carer of the Year
  • Young Carers of the Year

In Ireland, over 500,000 family carers provide unpaid care in the home for loved ones such as children or adults with additional needs, physical or intellectual disabilities, frail older people, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental health challenges or addiction. Their work often goes unrecognised and their own health, educational and social needs can be affected, as the family carer puts the needs of their loved ones first. Family carers save the state €20bn per annum, and provide an astonishing 19 million hours of care each week. By 2030, 1 in 5 will be a family carer.

There are over 67,000 children between the ages of 10 and 17 providing regular care to a loved one in the home. Many do not see themselves as being young carers. They think of themselves as a family member, a brother, a sister, a son, or a daughter and can presume that all families provide this sort of support. As a result, they often don’t realise that there is help available to them.


Please visit the link below. Complete the form below and tell us why this person should be Netwatch Family Carer/Young Carer of the Year. Please include as much information as you can to ensure the judging panel can learn about this person and the caring role they provide.


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