Club Grant Scheme 2024: Meath Local Sports Partnership

Meath Local Sports Partnership are delighted to announce 3 grants to clubs, community & voluntary groups and disability organisations under our Club Supports Scheme.
1. Increasing Participation Grant (Max €1,000).
Closing Date Thursday 7th November @ 4pm
This Return to participation grant is designed to support clubs to increase participation in physical activity, particularly amongst the target groups listed below.
- Older adults
- Women and Girls
- Men 35yrs+
- People with disabilities
- Disadvantaged communities
- Ethnic minorities
- Young people
2. Equipment Grant (€500- €1,000 depending on demonstrated need)
Closing Date Thursday 3rd October @ 4pm
This equipment grant is designed to support clubs and organisations in purchasing additional equipment required for their regular club activity or to assist in increasing participation in physical activity.
3. Volunteer Support Grant (Max €1,000)
Closing Date Thursday 17th October @ 4pm
This Volunteer Support grant is designed to support clubs and organisations in upskilling new and existing coaches and volunteers. This will be achieved through the delivery of training and education courses to support volunteers in their development as community leaders/coaches of sport and physical activity.
Please download and read all criteria in full before proceeding with an application. Application forms must be completed online. Clubs & groups can apply for more then one grant.
Further information, criteria and application forms are available on
For more information please contact Una Pearson at 0469067887 or email